Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We're here to help.

How long are my photos stored on your servers?

Images uploaded to the app to edit photo with AI are automatically deleted from our servers after rendering. Images generated by the app from the photos you uploaded are stored localy in your phone. The highest standards of security are applied at all times, in line with current security guidelines, and we use advanced encryption techniques to protect your data. Privacy and data protection is our priority!

EnhanceAI is showing an error message when I try to edit my photo.

We’re sorry to hear that! If you're using the app for free and you're not paying to edit your photos, it's likely that you have reached the maximum quota of free generations included in your offer. If this is your case, we encourage you to purchase more credtis to keep enjoying EnhanceAI's creations! If you're already using a paid plan but you're still facing an error message, here are some tips that could help: Make sure you’re using the most recent version of the app. If an update is available on the App Store or Google Play Store, we recommend downloading it. Switch to a different internet connection. If you're using a Wi-Fi network, try your mobile data connection, and vice versa. If you're using a VPN, turn it off and try again. Check that your device has enough storage available. If the error message appears when you try to save an image, the failure may be due to a lack of storage on your device. Try freeing up some space and Memory. Update your iOS or Android software. Make sure you’re using the latest version by checking your device’s settings. Close the app from your background processes and reopen it. If you’ve tried all the steps above but you’re still experiencing problems, please include the following details in your email to help speed up our checks: A screenshot or a screen recording that shows the issue Your current version of iOS or Android EnhanceAI's version Your device make and model.

How to report bugs?

with this email.

Is EnhanceAI free to use?

EnhanceAI's costs and the availability to use a free trial to discover the app may vary depending on the offer in place when you start using it. As of now, we confirm that a payment is required to create your amazing photo edition with EnhanceAI. Our team put a ton of effort, expertise, and love into creating the app—and maintaining it takes a lot of resources. The AI we use to generate your photo is complex and requires huge computational power. It’s an expensive process, but we worked hard to reduce the price as much as possible to make it affordable for you. Don't hesitate to go ahead and upgrade your plan to discover new versions of yourself!